open. welcoming. inviting.
A safe place to explore your faith

What We Do
We offer a wide variety of groups and activities that provide support, learning and fun for all in our community and beyond.

Young adults
Uni students and young adults meet fortnightly for a bring-and-share dinner and a bible study.

We offer two Sunday school programs – one for kids and one for teens.

Our high school youth nights build community and faith though fun.

Sunday worship is at 9am and 6pm. Each is unique in its own way.

Social Activities
Looking to connect? Check out our groups and activities to see what could meet your needs.

Contact the office to discuss our meeting rooms, halls and kitchen facilities available for community organisations to hire.
Asylum Seeker and Refugee Support Hub
The Indooroopilly Uniting Church Asylum Seeker and Refugee Support Hub (IUC Hub) is a community support group for people seeking asylum and refugees who are at risk of becoming unlawful.
The ORCA Project at Indooroopilly
We are proud to partner with Wesley Mission Queensland to host The ORCA Project at IUC. This approved NDIS service provides participants with the skills they need for success in the workforce.